Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The adventures will begin on Monday, July 25th.

Although the blogging might not start then. haha as in, they won't start then. Just keep your eyes peeled.

This weekend equals Rexburg--> Salt Lake City--> Oakland--> Los Altos.

Monday/Tuesday equals Los Altos--> San Francisco--> (5 hours in the sky)--> Charlotte, NC--> (10 hour plane ride)---> Rome, ITALIA. Which is equivalent to gelato and pizza. Yummmmmyyyyy.

How sad is it that I'm mostly excited about the food on this trip. haha not sad at all, I say. :)


Alright, until next time my traveling friends!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Blog!

Hi friends,

I've decided to start a new blog to document my upcoming travels/living abroad adventures. :)

I'll obviously still update my other blog but this will be my exciting travel blog. haha

11 days until my travel adventure begins!

Stay tuned. :)