“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Jordan: Day 4.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Jordan: Day 3.
Following the mosque, we headed to the citadel. It is basically just a bunch of ruins and rocks. And there is a museum there that used to have the Copper Scrolls of the Dead Sea Scrolls but they just took them out and put them in a bigger museum in Amman. Boo. Unfortunately, there wasn't a whole lot of exciting things to take pictures of...
After we finished at the Citadel, we headed up to Jerash but we first stopped at the Jabbok river which is where Jacob "wrestled with a man". Check out Genesis 32 for that story.
That was a pretty quick stop. After that, we continued on our way to Jerash. Super cool. It is an ancient Roman city and it was "just as good as Ephesus, minus the crowds". And when there are ancient pillars and rocks, it's bound to be a good picture day:
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Jordan: Day 2.
We woke up pretty early which was a struggle and then after breakfast and packing up and such, we loaded up the buses. Unfortuntely, we had to leave a little late because some boys in our group didn't wake up on time... so that slowed us down a little bit but it didn't put us behind schedule at all... at least I don't think it did. We then drove on over to Petra.
First Mohammed gave us a tour and walked us through it which was cool. It was seriously so impressive.
The Nabataeans lived here and carved these super impressive tombs out of these ROCKS. Insane. Not much is known about them as a people so it's cool to see their work.
Their most well known "building" is called the Treasury... maybe you've seen if from Indiana Jones?

After walking through the Siq, which is a huge slot canyon (and makes you feel like you're in Southern Utah, you reach the Treasury.
It was super impressive. It might be a little overrated but it was really cool. We took lots of pictures nonetheless.
then we meandered through the rest of the park (which by the way is HUGE, I never knew...) and we saw lots of other cool things.
We match the rock formation... get it?
After lunch, we hiked up to the Monastery which is 800+ steps. And when they say steps, they mean stairs. haha it was exhausting especially since Charlotte and I were following Caleb who was practically running up there. We got to the top and took some pictures and then we hiked to the "View of the End of the World." That was impressive.
After that, we had to go back to the bus. Which was quite the ordeal. We didn't realize as we were walking in how far we walked... so it took us quite a while to get back to the buses. Oops! Luckily, we weren't the last ones back. But we also stopped to get some much needed ice cream at a little gift shop on the way back. So delicious. And then after that, we drove to Amman. After such a busy and physically exhausting day, a nice loooooong drive was much needed. :)
There was a point on the bus though when I REALLY needed to use the bathroom. And I didn't think that we were going to be stopping. Luckily, right at when we were thinking of stopping (so I hear) Carter feels really car sick and he then passes out in the aisle of the bus. So we stopped! haha he was fine in just a couple minutes though, no worries! :) It was cute though because Caleb, his brother caught him. Sounds familiar...
After the rest of the drive, we got to Amman and after dinner, we got to walk around the city. We headed to Rainbow street and just explore. We found this delicious bakery where they gave us a box of these delicious peanut butter cookies. Amazing. It was definitely a crazy busy but good day. :) Even if our hotel was a little sketchy.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Jordan: Day 1.
After we crossed the border, we picked up our Jordanian guides: Mohammad and Yousef. Huntsman's class got Yousef and we got Mohammad which was good because he started immediately calling us "tigers" which always happens to our group. He was... funny but not as funny as Fatih. He was much more informative though!
Once we got our guide, we headed to our first stop: Mt. Nebo! (Fun fact: while in Jordan I wrote brief lists of our outings while there so that when I got home to actually blog about them, I would remember what we did. I wrote that we went to Mt. Nebo but my phone autocorrected it to Mt. Menopause. hahaha)
Mt. Nebo sign with Katie and Charlotte.
After Nebo, we then went to a mosaic place. They make tons and tons of mosaic pieces and we got to see how they did it. It was really neat. We also got to browse through their store but everything was a little out of price range so we just looked. haha
Following that, we went to the Church of the Map where they have a huge mosaic map of the Holy Land on the ground. That was pretty cool to see because you got to see the places of importance based on their perspective.
Outside the Church with Whitney, Sarah, Desiree, Suzy, (Me), Kaylie, Mary and Charlotte.
We then drove to Machaerus which is the possible site of where John the Baptist was beheaded. We got to go on quite the hike to get to the top but the view was so worth it.
Following that excusrsion, we had a loooong drive (4 hours to be exact) to Petra. Well, I guess not to Petra but to the town right outside Petra. We got to our hotel super late (where we then at dinner) and then had a little bit of a rough time getting in our hotel rooms. It was impossibly hard to unlock them and I'm pretty sure one of the hotel workers though we had serious problems. Once we finally did get in our room, we went back down the huge hill to go to the lobby to use the internet! Our hotel was cool because it's a old village that they have renovated into hotel rooms so it is all spread out through out with lots of stairs. And of course ours was the farthest away from anything and we had to hike up about 5 flights of stairs. It was nice going on facebook/email though and watching some youtube videos and just having a nice relaxing evening. Lindsay Hall and I were roommates and it was joyous. Except we didn't really pillow talk because we were both so tired. haha
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
My Bad.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Update: Thanks to.... my internet history, I have gotten them allll back! :)
Oh happy day! :)